Bernie McCabe
"The tree of life is a colossal Tree present in several religions and mythologies throughout history, known for connecting all forms of creation."
Bernie's paintings all feature solvable mazes with a "Start" and a "Finish." His blacklight mural uses maze pathways to intersect, overlap, and connect all aspects of the painting, with its each color forming its own independent maze. Along the way, caterpillars, cocoons, and butterflies symbolize metamorphosis within hidden words suggesting unavoidable parts of life.
Bernie’s Full ARtist Statement
The Tree of Life is a colossal tree present in several religions and mythologies throughout history known for connecting all forms of creation. This Tree of Life mural uses maze pathways to intersect, overlap, and connect all aspects of the painting. There are caterpillars, cocoons and butterflies to signify metamorphosis. There are words "hidden" in the pathways that are suggestive of the unavoidable aspects of human life. Each color is it own independently solvable maze with its own "Start" and own "Finish."