Hark, fair denizens and noble kin! We doth bid thee warm welcome to this year’s Fae Festival—a most wondrous urban Renaissance faire, returning in splendor to IX Art Park!
Gather ye, young and old, merry wanderers all! Here shall ye uncover delights of the fantastical realm, where dreams take flight and mirth abounds. Clad thyself in thy finest garb and prance gaily through the medieval market, rejoice to the tune of lively minstrels, partake in sumptuous feasts from the faire's finest vendors, and uncover marvels untold.
Come forth and join the revelry, where magic and merriment await!
Saturday, June 28 3pm-9pm and Sunday, June 29 10am-6pm
TICKETS ON SALE April 1, 2025
Kids 12 and Under: Free
General Admission | 1 Day Pass: $15
General Admission + Looking Glass | 1 Day Pass: $20
General Admission | 2 Day Pass: $20
General Admission + Looking Glass | 2 Day Pass: $30
The Fae Festivall is presented in partnership with Virginia Tourism Corporation and Virginia Commission for the Arts.
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